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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Sự cố trong quá khứ

Tháng 4, 2024
Tháng 3, 2024
Tháng 2, 2024
  1. Tháng 4, 2024

    1. Network issuesPing APIDashboard
      Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:
      We are currently experiencing intermittent network connectivity issues, caused by a networking infrastructure fault in our hosting provider's network. 

      Status updates about the underlying issue:

      Đã giải quyết:

      The issue is resolved.
    2. Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:
      There's a network fault in our hosting provider's network, affecting one of our load balancers. The load balancer's DNS records were automatically removed.

      The network fault:

      Đã giải quyết:

      The issue is resolved.
    3. Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:
      We are currently seeing ping request latencies in the multi-second range from clients hosted in Hetzner network.

      Hetzner is currently performing backbone maintenance, which is the likely cause of the latency.

      Đã giải quyết:

      The issue is resolved.
  2. Tháng 3, 2024

    1. Webhook delivery failuresNotification Sender
      Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng: was not delivering webhook notifications for about 10 minutes starting from 07:45 UTC. The issue was caused by a bad deploy, and has now been fixed.

      Đã giải quyết:

      The issue is resolved.
  3. Tháng 2, 2024

    1. Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:
      Starting from February 5, 20:40 UTC, was not delivering Signal notifications. The notification delivery is working now, but we are still digging into the cause of the issue.

      Đã giải quyết:

      Starting from yesterday, Signal server was rejecting messages sent by signal-cli 0.12.7. The fix is to upgrade to signal-cli 0.12.8.

      More details: is running signal-cli 0.12.8 now.