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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Sự cố trong quá khứ

Tháng 5, 2021
Tháng 4, 2021
Tháng 3, 2021
  1. Tháng 5, 2021

    1. Network issuesNotification SenderPing API
      Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:
      We had network issues between May 28, 21:15 UTC and 23:00 UTC. Packet loss between some of the servers caused some traffic getting rejected, and a queue of unprocessed pings building up on one affected web server. 

      Đã giải quyết:

      The service is back to normal.
  2. Tháng 4, 2021

    1. Database connectivity issuePing APINotification SenderDashboard
      Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:

      Đang xác minh:

      Primary database server experienced a connectivity issue for about 2 minutes, starting 11:27 UTC.
      Currently back to normal and monitoring.

      Đã giải quyết:

      After reporting the issue, got a reply from the hosting provider: “A faulty optic caused the packet loss. It was necessary to replace it. The packet loss is gone now.”

  3. Tháng 3, 2021

    1. Bảo dưỡng: Database MaintenanceDashboardPing APINotification Sender
      Thời lượng: -
      We will be performing a database maintenance on March 23, 3PM UTC. Expecting about a minute of downtime. During the downtime, pings will be queued and replayed later. API calls and web UI will not work.