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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Sự cố trong quá khứ

Tháng 9, 2020
Tháng 8, 2020
Tháng 7, 2020
  1. Tháng 9, 2020

    1. Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:

      Đã giải quyết:

      Primary database server experienced a connectivity issue for about 2 minutes, starting 10:24 UTC.
      Currently back to normal and monitoring.

  2. Tháng 8, 2020

    1. Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:

      Our upstream provider for delivering WhatsApp notifications, is currently rejecting outbound WhatsApp messages with an error:

      63013 This message send failed because it violates Channel provider’s policy.

      Currently contacting them to figure out what has gone wrong.

      Đang xác minh:

      The issue was identified and fixed by Twilio.

      Đã giải quyết:

      This incident has been resolved.

  3. Tháng 7, 2020

    1. Connectivity issuesPing APIDashboard
      Bắt đầu:
      Thời lượng:

      Seeing a significant drop in traffic. Suspecting its caused by problems at our DNS provider.

      Đang xác minh:

      We’re back up, monitoring.

      Đang xác minh:

      Update from Cloudflare: “We believe we have addressed the root cause and monitoring systems for stability now.”

      Đã giải quyết:

      This incident has been resolved.