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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Önceki olaylar

Eki, 2022
Eyl, 2022
Ağu, 2022
  1. Eki, 2022

    1. Broken Signal notificationsNotification Sender
      Starting from October 5, Healthchecks was not delivering some of the Signal notifications. The failed deliveries were caused by Healthchecks running an out-of-date signal-cli version (v0.10.11, released in August 2022), and Signal servers rejecting it:

      > java.lang.RuntimeException: org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.DeprecatedVersionException: StatusCode: 499

      We've now updated signal-cli to the latest version (v0.11.3) and the notifications are now being delivered again.


      The issue is resolved.
  2. Eyl, 2022

    Tüm sistemler çalışır durumda.

  3. Ağu, 2022

    Tüm sistemler çalışır durumda.