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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Wcześniejsze incydenty

Maj, 2024
Kwi, 2024
Mar, 2024
  1. Maj, 2024

    1. Database connectivity isssueNotification SenderPing APIDashboard
      Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:
      We're investigating an issue with our database.


      We have failed over to a standby database instance.


      The systems are back up and working through a backlog of outgoing notifications (caused by pings missed during the downtime).


      All systems are operational again. We are currently setting up a new standby database server, to replace the standby that was promoted to primary.

      The root cause of the outage was hardware failure: a broken power supply of one of the neighboring servers triggered a fuse in the database server's rack.
  2. Kwi, 2024

    1. Network issuesPing APIDashboard
      Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:
      We are currently experiencing intermittent network connectivity issues, caused by a networking infrastructure fault in our hosting provider's network. 

      Status updates about the underlying issue:


      The issue is resolved.
    2. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:
      There's a network fault in our hosting provider's network, affecting one of our load balancers. The load balancer's DNS records were automatically removed.

      The network fault:


      The issue is resolved.
    3. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:
      We are currently seeing ping request latencies in the multi-second range from clients hosted in Hetzner network.

      Hetzner is currently performing backbone maintenance, which is the likely cause of the latency.


      The issue is resolved.
  3. Mar, 2024

    1. Webhook delivery failuresNotification Sender
      Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania: was not delivering webhook notifications for about 10 minutes starting from 07:45 UTC. The issue was caused by a bad deploy, and has now been fixed.


      The issue is resolved.