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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Wcześniejsze incydenty

Mar, 2021
Lut, 2021
Sty, 2021
  1. Mar, 2021

    1. Konserwacja: Database MaintenanceDashboardPing APINotification Sender
      Czas trwania: -
      We will be performing a database maintenance on March 23, 3PM UTC. Expecting about a minute of downtime. During the downtime, pings will be queued and replayed later. API calls and web UI will not work.
  2. Lut, 2021

    1. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:

      Twilio is currently experiencing issues. SMS and WhatsApp notifications are currently either delayed or not being delivered.

      More details at


      Our SMS provider, Twilio, is in the process of recovery. SMS and WhatsApp notification delivery is working again.


      This incident has been resolved.

  3. Sty, 2021

    Wszystkie systemy działają.