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Welcome to the status page. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here, and on our Mastodon account. 

Wcześniejsze incydenty

Paź, 2020
Wrz, 2020
Sie, 2020
  1. Paź, 2020

    1. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:


      Recently, CodeShip, a CI/CD service, reported a security incident: a database containing their production data had been exposed for over a year. CodeShip requests its customers to reset all keys, deployment credentials, and authorization tokens that may have been exposed.

      Although is not using CodeShip directly, CodeShip had access to a Bitbucket source code repository containing various secrets that the production environment uses. While there are no signs of any unauthorized access, we have taken several precautions: the secrets have been reset to new values, the secrets are now being stored in an encrypted form, and CodeShip’s access to the Bitbucket repository has been revoked.

      For more details, please read:

      CodeShip’s security notification:

  2. Wrz, 2020

    1. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:


      Primary database server experienced a connectivity issue for about 2 minutes, starting 10:24 UTC.
      Currently back to normal and monitoring.

  3. Sie, 2020

    1. Rozpoczął się:
      Czas trwania:

      Our upstream provider for delivering WhatsApp notifications, is currently rejecting outbound WhatsApp messages with an error:

      63013 This message send failed because it violates Channel provider’s policy.

      Currently contacting them to figure out what has gone wrong.


      The issue was identified and fixed by Twilio.


      This incident has been resolved.